New User Registration

IRBNet New User Registration guide with screen shots (PDF)

How do I register for IRBNet?
To register, go to At the top right of the screen, under the log-in box, click on the link that says “New User Registration” and fill in the information requested. At the time of registration, use your NETID but do NOT use your Rice password. This should be something that you can easily remember because you will need this password to be able to sign projects electronically. After receiving the confirmation email, you can login using your NETID and password you chose, but the password that you created will always be used to sign IRBNet Application Packages.

How Do I Activate My Account?
When you receive your activation email, click the link in the email. You will be taken to the IRBNet login page.

I registered for IRBNet but it still isn’t allowing me to enter the site. Can the Electronic Research Administration fix this?
Once you have registered for IRBNet, you will be sent a confirmation email. You must click a link that is included in the email to finalize your registration process. Your login information will not work until this step has been completed.

How do I learn more about IRBNet and the protocol submission process?
To learn more about IRBNet please review the IRBNet Resources available on the blog. In addition, training for Students, Staff and Faculty are provided on an ongoing basis. To sign up for training please visit the IRBNet Training Page  you can also contact the eRA training Specialist to schedule 1-on-1 or group training sessions.

I have never used IRBNet before. Is there anyone available to help me with a submission?
The electronic Research Administration has several resources available online at You can also register for Classroom or 1-on-1 IRBNet training. Finally, you can contact the eRA Help Desk for assistance with IRBNet or your Compliance Administrator for assistance with protocol or registration application preparation.

When you register for the first time on
User ID – If possible, please use your Rice Net ID so that we know who you are*.
*This does not apply to committee reviewers. 
Password – NEVER use your Rice account or bank account password. Please use something that you can easily remember.